The British Royal family is a racist institution and always has been since the very beginning of racism. Their very existence is racist because their world-wide influence and privilege has been built by genociding and pillaging Black and brown people. They never paid my people back the $45 trillion that the British stole from India (it's much more now with recent inflation and it would be even more with interest). They've never paid restitution for all the Indian lives they deliberately destroyed through the famines they engineered, the sexual slavery of our women and children, the torture and imprisonment of our freedom fighters. Dr. Gideon Polya estimates that between 1757-1947 there were 1.8 BILLION AVOIDABLE INDIAN DEATHS. Most people don't know this. They can't even fathom tens of millions of deaths. There are monuments to the 6 million killed in the holocaust but no memorials to India's 1.8 billion. The British Royal family's power and privilege is built on the backs of that horror. Meanwhile, it was India who paid Britain's bills for WWI and WWII. India actually provided the largest volunteer army in world history to fight the Axis powers. Are there memorials thanking India for defeating the Nazis? Are there Hollywood movies about it? No, but there are plenty of movies and shows designed to convince people that the Royal family is somehow progressive. They are evil. That family needs to be stripped of their wealth, their power, and their influence, including all those jewels they stole from India and Africa, and they need to pay up for every life they destroyed world-wide.