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Hindu Multiverse Culturally Appropriated for Profit
Because Hollywood’s Hinduphobia runs deep
This is the multiverse theory as described by the Hindu scripture Vishnu Purana thousands of years ago.

It describes many universes all emanating from Vishnu and returning to Vishnu, each containing their own Vishnu and Lakshmi who defend and maintain them, creating and destroying, born and reborn again and again in a cycle of creation and destruction to which we all belong. And within each Vishnu and Lakshmi dwells each of us.
That’s the Hindu multiverse theory, in a nutshell. Western “scientists” were staggered in the 20th century when they realized all the Hindu theories they’d sneered at for centuries could well be true. Now the west is making Hollywood films about those theories, culturally appropriating Hindu truths, so they can claim Hindu brilliance as their ideas. They’ll avoid looking “racist” by using a Malaysian Chinese actress who has totally bought into her model minority status, erasing Hindus in favor of colonizer supremacy.
So this is yet another example of the colonizers culturally appropriating and profiting from Hindu ideas while erasing Hindus and using a non Hindu, non Indian actor/filmmaker to do so. Just like they did with Avatar The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, Star Wars, The Matrix, Avatar, and on and on.
They even have Michelle Yeoh wearing a third eye and it’s funny because it’s a “crazy” eye, see? Because Hindus are “crazy” and they must never be mentioned other than to demonize and mock them.

Hindus are thus erased in every way while simultaneously demonized, mocked, slandered.
Meanwhile, the conversation will be about how this is great for racial justice because it’s an Asian woman playing this role, not a white man, and that’s progress, see?
There’s not one thing sacred to these colonizing supremacist Hinduphobes. They exploit for profit while erasing us from any record. This is after Hindus have spent the last 1,000 years being persecuted, genocided, displaced, enslaved, tortured, forcibly converted, raped, mass…